
“The role of leadership in creating a Great Place to Work….for me, it’s fairly straight-forward in creating a winning culture that is all about empowering your team with the autonomy to take leadership in their individual roles along with providing the very best tools, training, technology and resources to be successful. That was the commitment we made to the team from Day 1 back in 2004 with BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) clearly communicated to ultimately gain leadership of the Phoenix market. I truly believe that our team-mates have continued to strive to setting the standards for all others to be measured by taking personal responsibility and leadership in their individual roles, whether you’re in the HR department, accounting, a salesman, driver, merchandiser or warehouse tech. When you add up the power of all of those roles working in synch and pulling in one direction, it can become a very powerful force and a solid recipe for success. This is a critical catalyst why we are in the market leadership position we are today!”
– Bubba

“Since creating a great place to work is all about the employee’s experience, leadership is at the very center of building and maintaining a great work place. It is not only developing the right policies and procedures, but also creating the environment where people feel both challenged and valued. Good leaders lead by example and therefore should always be a reflection of the values set by the ownership of the company. There is no great place to work without strong engagement from leaders at every level of the organization.“
– Joe

“To me leadership has always been a chance to give back to your fellow team members. It is a chance for you to coach and guide others to a better place in an organization or their personal lives. A leader should always be a person who is passionate and lives the values of their organization in and out of the office. They are calm in the face of adversity, they are positive in times of turmoil, and most importantly they welcome the grind and discipline it takes to reach the summit and stay there. Good leaders strive to build a positive culture and instill in their team that they are the most valuable asset to an organization. Great leaders create an open culture where communication and feedback are not only valued but encouraged. Leadership is at the core of any organizations success and is the reason CCD stands alone at the top today.“

“To me, leadership is one the most important aspects of a company’s success. While leadership is made up of many components, there are three important ones that come to mind: leading by example, open communication, and empowering teammates. A great leader promotes a “one team, one dream” mentality. Through a leaders demonstration of integrity, we show our teams the right way to do things and not the easy way. Communication is another important part to being a strong leader. Leaders must keep open lines of communication with numerous departments to help build sound relationships and strengthen our company’s success. Being a strong leader also requires an open door policy, which welcomes all types of communication and feedback from fellow teammates. Finally, one of the most important aspect of being a leader is empowering your teammates. Giving our team members the necessary tools to succeed and autonomy to try new things and discover new avenues, is what continues to help push Crescent Crown to new heights in the future. When all of this comes together, it is truly gratifying and one of the many joys I get to experience as a leader at Crescent Crown Distributing.”
– Jesse
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