Blanco Tequila + sparkling water + natural fruit flavor – combined to bring you unparalleled refreshment. Rey Azul – Fit for a King. Inspired by Mexican heritage. Rey Azul has 100 calories, gluten free, 5% ABV and comes in 3 delicious varieties.
Blanco Tequila + sparkling water + natural fruit flavor – combined to bring you unparalleled refreshment. Rey Azul – Fit for a King. Inspired by Mexican heritage. Rey Azul has 100 calories, gluten free, 5% ABV and comes in 3 delicious varieties.
Crescent Crown Distributing is committed to supporting organizations and charities within the communities in which we operate, centered on improving the conditions and promoting the welfare of the recipients of our donations.
Each year we receive a large number of requests for charitable donations involving various types of support from across our distribution territory. While we recognize the value of all charitable work and try to approve as many of these requests as possible, we are simply unable to accommodate each organization seeking charitable support. Instead, we must make difficult choices, denying requests based on practical and budgetary considerations, not on how we view the importance of the particular charity or cause. Listed below are examples of requests and activities that we do not support. Please follow the guidelines below to have a request for a charitable donation considered.
Examples of requests or activities that we do not support:
Organizations and groups that represent matters of individual preference, belief, and conscience.
Political or individual lobbying activities.
Religious activities, in whole or in part, for the purpose of furthering religious doctrine. (Faith-based organizations may be considered if they provide services to all clients regardless of denomination.)
Operating or travel expenses.
School-affiliated field trips, graduations or performing arts events.
Contributing as a third party.
Events directly related to or affiliated with children or youth groups.
Charitable causes supporting individuals below the legal drinking age.
Because Crescent Crown distributes products that are age restricted we are very careful not to be associated with groups that are primarily underage. This is especially the case when underage persons make up a significant portion of those that are in attendance at the events.
Charitable Donation Guidelines:
All requests for charitable donations must be made through our website. Requests not made via the website will not be considered.
Requests must be at least 8 weeks in advance of the need or event.
To better assist with the evaluation process, please be as specific as possible when completing the online application.
Please note: Arizona law requires all unused product be returned to the distributor at the end of the event, including partial cases.